Category Archives: electromagnetic radiation

Things You Didn’t Know About Hydrogen Water

These days, Hydrogen water is on the list of the biggest trends. Just like alkaline water, this water type offers a lot of health benefits.  Hydrogen water comes with some very interesting studies that have already been carried out and this is what makes it so widely acceptable.

So, What Is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water is simply pure water with extra hydrogen molecules added to it. Hydrogen (H2) is the most abundant molecule in the universe. It’s an odourless, colourless, and tasteless gas. But only in 2007 did a team in Japan discover that inhaled hydrogen gas could act as an antioxidant and protect the brain from free radicals, find more information at myhicalmaids(dot)com. This sparked the interest in its potential health benefits worldwide and led to some breakthrough research.

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Is My Cell Phone Dangerous To My Health? What You Don’t Know About Electromagnetic Fields Radiation

It’s hard to ignore a headline like Salon’s “Your cell phone is killing you”: it’s exactly the kind of worry that clickbait wet dreams are made of. Basically everyone cares about not being dead, and basically everyone has a cell phone. Cell phones, amongst other devices and the power grid itself, generate electromagnetic fields (EMF) which emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR). What’s the actual evidence that EMR is dangerous?

Because it would be unethical to experiment on humans directly, the evidence cited in “Your cellphone is killing you” comes from natural experiments — times when people were, in the course of their ordinary lives, exposed to different amounts of electromagnetic radiation. The evidence, though provisional, is disturbing: EMR (as from cellphone usage or living near a power line) seems to correlate with increased incidence of cancer, infertility, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Per our article on medical conspiracies, 20 percent of Americans believe that the government has full knowledge that cell phones can cause cancer, but they’re not taking action because large corporations won’t let them. So it doesn’t take much for the media to rile everyone up over this again. It’s true that the Federal Communications Commission last year “officially opened an inquiry into whether U.S. standards need to be updated to protect people from cell phone radiation,” and that this action was somewhat delayed — but no surprise there, because the government is slow at everything.

Dr. Blank, the author of “Your cellphone is killing you,” is a real academic scientist, not a conspiracy theorist. He is right to worry that Big Electronic’s commercial interests are conflicting with research-based public safety recommendations. I’m glad that Dr. Blank and his esteemed colleagues are hard at work figuring out this corner of the natural world. But as a private individual who has virtually no control over industry or government, I have a difficult time getting overly excited about what EMR might potentially do to me, maybe, after decades of exposure. Read the rest of this entry