Prostate Health Is Your Worst Enemy. 5 Ways To Defeat It

Thousands of people have already been battling their fight of cancer but families never get tired of looking for treatments for their loved ones. Treating cancer is a long shot especially when the cancer has already reached its serious stage. Every year, around 200,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States alone and the number continues to grow every year. This makes cancer one of the most common cancers affecting men these days.

Recent studies show that after the age of 45, DHT – the aggressive male hormone that causes your system to mature – can become very intrusive. So intrusive, that at one point, your body and hormone receptors are so shocked by it that they confuse it to an enemy and trigger inflammation to deal with it.

The Prostate

The prostate is a gland and part of the male reproductive system. Its main function is to store and secrete a clear fluid that lubricates the penis prior to sex and also makes up to a third by volume of semen.

A healthy prostate is normally a little larger than a walnut. It is situated near the rectum to the front, just below the bladder and surrounds the tube that takes urine from within the body and out through the penis.

Another role of the prostate is that the muscle within acts as a pump to eject semen during climax, and as such prostate problems can lead to impotence.

There are three types of Prostate Problems for the purpose of this article i shall confine myself to BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia put simply an enlarged prostate, this is the most common and is basically caused by the prostate swelling, normally as we get older the problem is that the swelling takes place in an area where there is little room for such swelling the consequence being the swollen prostate then starts to put more pressure on the pipe that carries the urine eventually constricting the pathway,apart from being very uncomfortable and annoying and very often painful, this can and often does cause bladder & kidney problems and in many cases kidney failure

The symptoms of all forms of prostate enlargement are much the same and may include one or some of the below.

* A distinct feeling your bladder properly after you have finished urinating.

* Frequent urination especially during the night

* Stop start, or a dribble during urination

* Difficulty in aiming your pee (toilet seat syndrome).

* Weak pee stream.

* A period of waiting or straining required to begin urination.

* A burning pain during urination (alone could be an STD) so not to be ignored.

* Lower back pain, or between the testicles and anus, in the lower belly or tops of the thighs.

* Difficulty to gain and maintain an erection, weak ejaculation, lack of sexual performance.

* Pain during or just after ejaculation.

* Pains at the of your penis.

5 steps to better prostate health

  • Drink tea. Both green tea and hibiscus tea are among the top drinks for prostate health. …
  • Exercise and lose weight. Exercising and losing weight are some of the best things you can do to promote prostate health. …
  • Follow a prostate-friendly diet. …
  • Take supplement…
  • Reduce stress. …

Having prostatitis or an enlarged prostate does mean that the chances are increased of contracting prostate cancer. Obviously some that suffer with prostate cancer may also have an enlarged prostate, but the two conditions are not linked. Most of the time men with an enlarged prostate will not develop prostate cancer. However as the early symptoms for both conditions may be much the same, a doctor needs to properly diagnose the condition. And of course it is possible to have both conditions at the same time. So should you suffer any of the above conditions you really must see a Doctor.

Should the diagnosis be simply an enlarged prostate there are several things you can do to treat the prostate itself and not just the symptoms alone as is the case with conventional medicine.While an enlarged caused by infection can be effectively treated with antibiotics, there is no medicine for treating chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Its symptoms are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and or analgesic medicines both which have side effects of their own.

More is known about proper prostate health than ever before, there is no need to suffer the nasty and dangerous symptoms of an enlarged prostate while there are such effective means by which to naturally help with an enlarged prostate.

Posted on 11/04/2020, in age 40, HEALTH, prostate and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Epaphrah K Mushi

    I need medication for Prostate cancer. How can I get it I live in Tanzania

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