Category Archives: constipation

The Complete and Powerful Colon and Body Cleanser

What is Colon or Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in both men and women, but mostly overlooked by everybody. Although it is slightly more common in men, 1 in every 24 women will be diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer at some point in her life.

The colon is part of the digestive system responsible in bringing waste materials from the small intestines to the rectum. It absorbs sodium and water from the waste after food passes through the intestines and then the waste is ready to be expulsed from your body. For the colon to perform its function effectively, it needs to be healthy otherwise negative impacts will be evident in food digestion and different other body processes that are essential. When toxins reach the colon from unhealthy drugs and foods, it may become clogged making it harder for it to function effectively. It is here that most people start experiencing bowel movement difficulties.

Here the 3 powerful methods that can help detoxify the whole body:


DETOXIFY YOUR BODY BY REFLEXOLOGY Read the rest of this entry

Constipation and Toxic Colon

poopingSome Studies Now Admit That Laxatives, Once Considered Effective… Are Utterly Ineffective For Most People, Specifically Ineffective For Senior Citizens!

 A breakthrough clinical research study by the prestigious Department of Oran Surgery/Gasteroenterological Clinic, at Elsinore Hospital, Elsinore, Denmark revealed that MANY people have substantial “pockets” of putrid waste, trapped between the walls of their colon…

As a result, this leads to all the gastric discomfort, such as: bloating, abdominal pressure, diarrhea & more!

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