The Complete and Powerful Colon and Body Cleanser

What is Colon or Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in both men and women, but mostly overlooked by everybody. Although it is slightly more common in men, 1 in every 24 women will be diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer at some point in her life.

The colon is part of the digestive system responsible in bringing waste materials from the small intestines to the rectum. It absorbs sodium and water from the waste after food passes through the intestines and then the waste is ready to be expulsed from your body. For the colon to perform its function effectively, it needs to be healthy otherwise negative impacts will be evident in food digestion and different other body processes that are essential. When toxins reach the colon from unhealthy drugs and foods, it may become clogged making it harder for it to function effectively. It is here that most people start experiencing bowel movement difficulties.

Here the 3 powerful methods that can help detoxify the whole body:



Reflexology has been used in medical practice for thousands of years in Eastern cultures and is today starting to gain a foothold in Western cultures as well. Reflexology methods applied to detoxification have proven to be particularly effective.

It is common knowledge that toxins will build up in your body from food we eat, the air we breathe and from many other environmental sources. If you don’t use some sort of detoxification procedure to get this bad stuff out of your system eventually it will cause health problems for you. Liver disease, cardiovascular complications, stomach problems, colon cancer and even infertility and impaired brain function can result from an excessive buildup of environmental toxins in your body. Traditional Western medicine, which relies heavily on surgical procedures and prescription medications, is often at a loss for how to deal with body detoxification. In fact, if you look at the extensive list of negative side effects for some prescription medications it makes you wonder if traditional Western medicine is helping with detoxification or simply making things worse.

Reflexologists use a protocol of manual techniques that stimulate the complex neural pathways linking the body systems, supporting the body’s efforts to function optimally. With over 7,000 nerve endings per foot, Reflexology has discovered that our feet are a powerful connection to our body’s innate healing ability. How does Reflexology, a therapy working on the feet, detoxify the whole body? It’s all about the blood flow.

With increased blood flow, the detoxing organs and the lymphatic system are able to function at their peak.

When the body is in a state of stress, the blood flow is sent to key areas of the body, diverting it away from other areas such as the intestines and gut. While this hardwired body response was intended for short duration, many people are now experiencing a chronic level of stress to some degree. As a result, detoxification is not priority, so these organs are given less blood flow and cannot perform optimally. In a Reflexology session, the cleaning organs and lymphatic system are flushed with the proper amount of blood flow and can perform the job nature intended.


Most of us already know what makes a healthy diet – eat foods that are nutrient-rich and avoid processed, refined foods stripped of their nutritional value. However, we don’t always eat what’s best for us. Dietary supplements (like multivitamins, antioxidant supplements and even probiotics) can help bridge many nutritional gaps in our diets.

Think of cleansing as an internal ‘spring cleaning’ for your body.  Cleansing is a way to gently and effectively kick-start your body’s natural detoxification abilities.


For thousands of years, Chinese and Japanese medical practitioners have known that certain tree root and trunk extracts can be placed on your body and be used to remove all kinds of ailments. Pain, infection, swelling, blood flow congestion and even toxins can be removed by applying a patch or plaster of herbs combined with these tree extracts.

Taking this knowledge one step further, several companies have developed self-adhesive herbal foot pads.

You apply a pair of these to the soles of your feet at night before you go to bed, remove them, and throw them away when you get up in the morning. When you put them on at night they will be white but when you remove them in the morning they will be dirty looking. No, this isn’t dirt from your feet; it is toxins removed from your body.

After a few weeks of doing this the patches you throw away in the morning will get cleaner and cleaner as there are less toxins to remove from your body. It is relatively cheap to try, easy to use, efficient, has no common negative side effects and if it works for you then that may be all that really matters.

After having the above methods of body cleansing you will be able to enjoy the following health advantages:

Increased Energy

Your colon is bombarded with toxins daily, most of us start feeling tired, too exhausted to work and even too tired to cook our own food. This leads to the process of unhealthy meal choices. After cleansing the colon you will feel an inner and outer renewal. Colon cleansing increases your energy because you will be cleaning the old waste from your colon. By removing toxic substances, your body will continue to work better, and you’ll feel better.

Reduction of Constipation and Colon Cancer Prevention

After years of an unhealthy diet, the colon get lined with a plaque-like substance called Mucoid Plaque; this causes constipation and isn’t good for your wellbeing at all. Colon cleansing not merely helps out in removing the junk out of the intestinal walls but also allows the waste to pass off more freely. After colon cleaning the relief is undeniable.

Elimination of Diarrhea

Putting it simple, diarrhea is a condition happens due to toxins that may also cause problems for your process of solidifying waste. After the process of cleansing the colon you can be sure this condition will be immensely reduced, allowing bowel movements to be more solid.

Clean Skin

Acne is caused by noxious substances in your body. The toxins hiding in your colon can reach your bloodstream. They’ll then happen to under your skin layer. These toxic substances are trying to escape your body and can do so through your pores. When you clean your colon by colon cleaning, you are getting off these toxic substances, and the effect will be clean skin.

Weight Loss

This is one of the good kept secrets of cleansing the colon. It’s an acknowledged fact that the average individual carries from 5 to 20 pounds of intestinal waste. The absolute most dramatic and immediate aftereffect of a colon detox is just how much lighter you’ll be once all of this is cleaned out of your system. Your colon gets quite clogged from years of eating fatty foods and the only way you can efficiently cleanse the accumulated waste is with help from a dietary supplement.

Elimination of Bad Breath

Bad breath could be caused by food which is not properly digested. Bad breath is also an indicator of an imbalanced diet. A diet that comprises processed food and not enough fresh vegetables can increase the chances of bad breath. Along with bloating, weight gain, constipation, gas, skin problems, and insomnia, bad breath could be a sign of a parasite disease. Colon cleansing will solve the problem of bad breath by removing the core cause of the situation.

Any human system that’s clogged with toxins can be the cause all sorts of healthy problems. An unhealthy system can make your body more vulnerable to colds, the flu and other viruses. The system is susceptible to congestion if the digestive system isn’t working well.

Combine these 3 methods (REFLEXOLOGY, SUPPLEMENT and FOOT PADS) and you will have the TOTAL TRANSFORMATION in your HEALTH.

Posted on 11/07/2019, in colon cancer, constipation, diabetes, HEALTH, liver disease, optimum health and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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